What is long course and short course?
Academies provide training for different durations. If the training is 2/3 years its long course and if that is 06 months, it is called short course. Generally after HSC candidates join as officer cadets in long courses and get 03 years military training. Besides their training they study for graduation course. The candidates who join after their graduation from universities get 06 months training at academy. This is called short course. To know better read the circulars.
Is there any difference between long and short courses regarding promotion and welfare?
Generally not, those depend on one’s performance.
How many times circular is published in a year?
Generally two batches of cadet enter academies every year during January and July every year. The circular is published before 8/9 months before entrance to the academies.
I am from humanities/ business studies group; can I apply to armed forces for officer cadet?
In army, if you have required grades; you may apply form any group. In BAF you may apply in admin and only business studies can apply in finance branch. In BN, science (Executive and Engineering branch) and business studies (supply branch) may apply. Read the circular for details.
How can I understand that I am medically fit?
Read the link: https://www.defencecares.com/recruitment/medical-test/ and if you think you have any abnormalities, meet a defense background doctor. You may also call Defence care for help.
Is knock knee curable?
It depends on severity. Exercises are there, you may practice. Visit Defence Care for more.
Is hand sweating curable?
Generally hand sweating cures by ages. But if it’s severe, you may visit a doctor.
What are the factors examined during preliminary interview?
Outlook, manners, mental ability, intelligence, general knowledge, academic knowledge, Language skill and willingness to serve etc.
How can I get preparation for written test?
If you are confident enough, get preparation by own. If you think you need a coach, call Defence Care. For a bird’s eye view click
What are the factors to get qualified at ISSB?
IQ and positive psychology, communication skill, leadership and positive group behavior, and physical ability.
How can I get prepared for ISSB?
If you are confident enough, get preparation by own. If you think you are weak on the above points (factors for ISSB) and you need a coach, call Defence Care. For a bird’s eye view click
Can I change the ISSB exam date?
If once you get the date, it’s difficult to change. However you may apply to “The President of ISSB” by mentioning the proper cause. If they consider, they may allow.
I am suffering COVID, should I inform ISSB?
If you are COVID positive and got ISSB date, must inform ISSB by sending application or E mail through ISSB website with proper documents. No covid positive will be allowed ISSB. After your apply, ISSB will inform you the further course of action.
I am qualified for ISSB test from Army, Navy and BAF at the same time. What should I do?
You may appear ISSB for one force among the contemporary forces. Decide which one you want to appear and appear accordingly.
How many times a candidate can appear ISSB?
Generally, for long course twice and for short course twice. The minimum duration between long courses are minimum 05 months and long & short courses are 5 years. Also a candidate can’t appear any 02 contemporary courses of different forces. But, if a candidate becomes screened out for once and afterwards s/he stays 04 days, s/he may appear again after 05 months for next course.
Can any ISSB selected candidate change the force?
It’s possible if the authority of two forces agree. The first force will provide a no objection certificate and the second force will permit to join.
How can I improve my Spoken English ability?
Listening and speaking are the two major techniques to improve spoken ability. Practice under an experienced coach. Call Defence Care for details.
How can I improve my physical ability?
Practice under an experienced coach. Call Defence Care for details. All the facilities are available.
How can I practice IQ?
Learn the theories of IQ from a coach and also practice. You may see the IQ software from Defence care website.